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    S and Noise Parameters at 2 V 20 mA

The following file can be copied for use in frequency domain simulators. Highlight the text between the horizontal rules by dragging you mouse over it, then copy to the clipboard (in most browsers, do this using the Edit pull down menu or enter CTRL+C).
!S-PARAMETERS at Vds=2V  Id=20mA.   LAST UPDATED 20-10-99

# ghz s ma r 50 

0.5	0.96	-33	9.436	155	0.036	71	0.39	-33
0.8	0.91	-53	8.850	141	0.055	60	0.37	-50
1.0	0.88	-65	8.425	132	0.065	54	0.35	-63
1.5	0.79	-93	7.269	113	0.085	41	0.31	-90
1.8	0.75	-109	6.616	103	0.093	34	0.29	-106
2.0	0.73	-119	6.220	97	0.097	30	0.29	-116
2.5	0.68	-140	5.321	83	0.105	21	0.27	-139
3.0	0.66	-159	4.604	70	0.111	14	0.27	-157
4.0	0.64	172	3.616	49	0.119	2	0.28	174
5.0	0.64	147	2.992	30	0.126	-9	0.29	151
6.0	0.66	124	2.548	11	0.133	-20	0.31	129
7.0	0.68	103	2.179	-8	0.136	-32	0.34	107
8.0	0.71	83	1.864	-25	0.135	-43	0.37	87
9.0	0.73	65	1.632	-41	0.137	-53	0.40	73
10.0	0.76	50	1.478	-57	0.142	-63	0.44	61
11.0	0.80	34	1.299	-74	0.143	-76	0.50	44
12.0	0.83	18	1.136	-90	0.139	-87	0.55	28
13.0	0.85	6	0.971	-106	0,130	-98	0.58	11
14.0	0.86	-5	0.840	-120	0.124	-107	0.62	-4
15.0	0.88	-19	0.734	-134	0.120	-118	0.67	-13
16.0	0.89	-32	0.646	-147	0.115	-127	0.69	-24
17.0	0.89	-42	0.568	-161	0.112	-138	0.71	-36
18.0	0.90	-52	0.485	-173	0.102	-146	0.74	-46

!FREQ   Fopt    GAMMA OPT       RN/Zo
!GHZ     dB     MAG     ANG      -

0.5	0.15	0.71	13	0.13
0.9	0.16	0.68	22	0.12
1.0	0.16	0.66	26	0.12
1.5	0.18	0.60	43	0.09
1.8	0.20	0.55	55	0.09
2.0	0.22	0.51	68	0.09
2.5	0.28	0.48	82	0.08
3.0	0.33	0.46	100	0.06
4.0	0.45	0.37	133	0.05
5.0	0.56	0.39	172	0.04
6.0	0.65	0.40	-159	0.04
7.0	0.72	0.44	-129	0.08
8.0	0.82	0.48	-100	0.15
9.0	0.90	0.52	-79	0.26
10.0	1.00	0.60	-61	0.40

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this page last updated: 20 October 1999